We Advise & Represent Non-Profits
Our Attorneys understand the unique needs of a Non-Profit. We have not only represented Non-profits but have been on various Boards of Directors, holding different positions such as Director, Officer, and even President of the Board. Knowing the inner workings of how a non-profit operates helps us to provide you with better representation. Our firm can also advise your non-profit on business and employment law matters.
Our firm understands that budget is always an issue, however, we provide a Non-profit discount and payment plan. We can work with you to assess your level of compliance, create an executive director contract, board responsibility training, and assist you with preventative measures to minimize the risk of employee claims and litigation. We have assisted Galleries, Arts organizations, Museums, & Religious Non-Profits.

We can assist your Non-Profit with:
- Employment Handbook
- Telework Policy
- Return-to-Work policies
- Implementing Employment Policies
- Revising outdated By-Laws
- Board of Director Training
- Preparing Executive Director Contract
- Conducting a Self-Audit
- Employee Agreements
“Do your little bit of good where you are; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
-Desmond Tutu