Covid-19: What do you need to know for your Business?
We cannot provide a comprehensive list of resources for Covid-19 information. However, below are some links to Government websites that can provide a starting point. We recommend you read the FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions. Check the websites often as the information is constantly being updated and more FAQ’s are continually being added or revised as the regulations are updated. Stay safe!

Safety for all:
Social Distancing
Contact Tracing
Quarantine, if positive or exposed
Some Coronavirus Employment-related issues:
- FFCRA requirements (expands FMLA)
- Posting Requirements
- Essential Business / Essential workers
- Lay-off/ Furlough / Termination
- Benefits during Furlough
- Paid Sick Leave
- Leave of Absences / Intermittent Leave
- Childcare Leave [EFMLEA]
- Telework Policy [Timekeeping]
- IT Security for telework employees
- Modified Work Schedules
Our Employment Law attorney can answer questions about your Employees: at-work or returning to work, lay-offs, and other related employment questions related to Covid-19.
This is a difficult time for all. Although there may be “business necessity” for certain employer actions, an Employer must still be vigilant in their record-keeping so as to minimize Employee claims. Employers and Employees should maintain good communication, complete forms, and have written confirmations to avoid misunderstandings.

- Cares Act & PPP Loans for Employers
- EDD Tax Credits
- Limited Small Business Exception
- Reasonable Accommodation
- Reimbursable Expenses
- Travel restrictions
- Co. Confidential Information (NDA)
- Notice to Employees – if exposed at work
- Workers’ Compensation presumption
- Revise IIPP – new safety protocols
- Return to Work plan
- Providing PPP, supplies & barriers