Employment Law
We advise Employers regarding all areas of employment law and human resources. Moreover, we assist with various regulatory compliance requirements, postings, and other business-related matters. An important aspect of an attorney’s job is developing relationships with clients. Our firm works with its clients to get to know them and their businesses so we can be part of their team for the success of their Business.
Fritz Law Offices counsels Employers to review their business practices to determine if they are in compliance with State and Federal laws, bills, statutes, and governmental regulations.
Our Attorneys assist Employers to implement preventative measures such as written policies and contracts to help Employers to implement consistent policies, maintain stability in their workforce, and maintain control over their valuable trade secrets and confidential information.
We prepare Employee Handbooks, Policies & Procedures Manuals and Contracts, such as Employee Agreements for Officers or other key employees, Confidentiality Agreements, Trade Secret Agreements, and Independent Contract Agreements. Our long-term clients keep us on retainer in order to obtain prompt answers to their questions and concerns.
An important aspect of a lawyer’s job is developing and managing relationships with clients.

We Represent Businesses/Employers before:
- Labor Commissioner Conferences
- Labor Commissioner Hearings
- EDD Appeals Hearings
- EDD Audits
- DFEH Discrimination matters
- EEOC claims
- California State Court Litigation
- Mediations
- Arbitrations
“The best work is not what is most difficult for you; it is what you do best.”
-Jean-Paul Sartre
We provide advice & assistance with:
- Employment Law
- Compliance with Ca Labor Laws & Regulations
- Employee Handbooks
- Policies & Procedures
- Employee Training Compliance
- Covid-19 Compliance
- Wage & Hour [overtime & exempt) issues
- Employer Self-audits
- Independent Contractor Agreements
- Confidentiality Agreements
- Trade Secret Agreements
- Employee Leaves of Absences
- Disciplinary Actions
- Lay-off/ Termination of Employees
- Severance Agreements

We Provide Human Resources Support
We offer a CA Employer Compliance Binder which contains various HR forms to assist an Employer to maintain regulatory compliance starting from on-boarding employees, to maintaining good employees and when necessary, lay-off or termination of employees. See: HR & On-Boarding.
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